I have no idea
We did not do anything with the clinic Monday morning, so Anisha and I made paper dolls, so to speak, with the cookie box that Azeb had gotten us. I am going to teach the kids family words, so we have a grandmother, grandfather, two brothers, both married, and then one has three kids, and one has two. I tried to make the three siblings to be like Autumn, Hannah, and Lijah (awesome kids from camp). They look funny, but I tried. I still have to think of names for the other people (except I thinkkkk their dad’s name is Ron/ald, so I will call him that). I should pick common American names. They look pretty good, and hopefully there is a picture posted below.
After lunch, Anisha made chick pea curry for S’ike and for us for dinner. Yum. Hareg called and said that she was going to take us out for an England lunch on Sunday. I wonder what that entails. I thought I would have 2A for class today, but when I got there, the teacher asked if we could switch because he wanted to do something with them Tuesday after school… soooo plan B! Thanks, Esther. EMW really is not as bad as we pretend. We always end up having a fun time with the people, right Marco and Abby? I wanted to keep some of the people from this past year. Anyway, back to the present. Guremo kicked Samson out with the rest of the not-Learning-Village kids. We feel they should make an exception for him. At one point, we were playing 3 on 3 with Gezuhine as one keeper and a little kid as the other, and I realized that I was being counted as an equal participant! Ack! I actually had a good bit when I was guarding Y-obe. Defense rocks. Then Onedessan (the guy who takes care of the cows) had me guard Cameron and he got claustrophobic. Yay defense. I felt bad, though. We eventually did get more players. I made those folded fortune tellers with our napkins. It was fun. We ate dinner, then I started making peach cobbler/crumble. To my absolute DISMAY, there were all sorts of bugs in the box! I think it was because there was a rip in the bag… Last time we buy 2 for 1 at the grocery store… Anyway, I had to sift through all of it, and I did not even do all of it (I maybe did half) and it was so gross because I could not just look and pick, like we do for rice, because there were these little lightbrownyellow ones and some were still alive and…. GROSS! Cameron and I watched Bones while Anisha showered, then when she got back we watched Scrubs. I probably sifted (with a 2.5inch diameter sifty thing…taptaptaptap) for over an hour. So I finally gave up, and started making the actual dish, which took no time at all. Anisha went to the other room, and Cameron got bored and started sifting the rest of it. We made three dishes of it (bread pan twice and our square pan once). It made a lot of it. Mom, I did my best to drain the peaches well :-). They FINALLY came out of the oven, and we tried the masterpiece. It looked fantastic.
Daniel took all the books and supplies Cameron and I brought (except some of the crayons, which I asked him to save to give away as prizes). 2A was good. We even began to talk about family (my next lesson plan).
We made dinner, then went outside to play. Someone had a bicycle… a tall someone, and it had the most awesome seat covering…. kind of Indian, or the print of an old-fashioned sofa, with two-inch yellow fringe. Classy. I had to have Y-obe hold it so I could get on, and I had to have Cameron stop the bike so I could fall off without hurting the bike. Y-obe dragged Onedessan over to ask where Anisha was. Dreads or a goatee? Soccer was good, except Y-obe smashed into my leg at one point and it is still sore. I guarded Onedessan, and he said I was clever. Well, he told me to guard Cameron yesterday, so I guess it is only fair. The rest of the night was pretty regular.
I love the paper dolls and the idea of using them to teach your students!!!
ReplyDeleteDiane (Anisha's Mom)