Sunday, November 22, 2009

Friday-Sunday, during which we have a camporee and do not go to Gimbie

On Friday, they started setting up for the “camporee” after class got out (half day). We were supposed to meet at four to practice Jesus Loves Me in ASL for the camporee… almost no one was there, though. But Amanuel said that his kids were coming, so I decided to help build the tent while I waited for them. It was pretty fun. Those eucalyptus trees are pretty sturdy. We practiced (and had an awesome showing, including Mek’des and Estifanos (who usually do not come to Pathfinders). The evening meeting was pretty cool (though, all in Amharic). I wore short sleeves just to prove to myself that it was NOT really cold, for a Connecticut girl.
Saturday was busy, but we got very tired of the meetings, since we did not understand anything and the preacher went on and on and on. Even Azeb, Dr. Gemechu’s wife, wanted him to stop. Hareg thought it unsafe for us to eat the food with everyone (the vegetables had not been prepared safe enough), so we went back to make our own lunch. We were getting ready to cook the potatoes, when they call us to come go to lunch with them! It was very nice of them, especially since Dr. Gemechu is as sick as a dog. During the afternoon program, we sat on the side and I read and we talked a little (quietly). The evening program was a movie that had been filmed in Brazil, was in Spanish, and dubbed over in Amharic. I understood what little Spanish came through the very good dubbing. I was sooo tired at the end, and we still had to pack for Gimbie. I went to bed earlyish.
The Great Ethiopian Race was today (Sunday). We had to get to the SDA union office right as the race was ending, so we had to find our way around (rather, Yared did). We got there, and found out that there was not enough room in the land rover for all of us to go back. Cassie was there! We ended up deciding that we would take the bus out to Gimbie tomorrow anyway, and that Cassie would stay with us. Yared could not come get us until two, so we went to lunch, then to a shop to get potatoes for supper. It was nice. I was glad that Cassie knew her way around Addis. We generally rely on Abebe or Yared. We got back to the Learning Village and started to make dinner. We had a good time. Now we are making pumpkin bread to bring with us. Sooo that is why I am still here in Addis. We have to be ready to leave with Abebe at 330. 330!!!!! AM!!! ACK! I will be sleeping, thankyouverymuch, on the bus.


  1. lol, go Connecticut girl with short sleeves!

  2. Hey Jennifer! So glad you are doing well and enjoying (and making the most of) every situation in which you find yourself. You are inspirational! Miss you and praying for you.
    With much love, Mary Ann
