Wednesday and Thursday were pretty average days. I did get to ride a nice horse on Wednesday! One of the students rode him to school because he hurt his leg, and he was grazing with our horse near our house. Girma let me get on him, and I rode him around a little bit. Daniel came by, and I said that our horse was mean and aggressive. He said that they planned to sell him and get a nice horse instead. I am excited. No work in the pharmacy, so we worked on Christmas stuff. I worked on Christmas stockings and Christmas pageant costumes. One of the days, I made Anisha’s Christmas present—NO ONE TELL!—a bookshelf! I made it out of the boxes we had sent from home. Cameron made a Christmas tree out of toilet paper rolls, and I have been supplying it with mini decorations. Man, do those girls love Making Melodies! Somehow, Hermela and Dureti know the song, and have never come to Pathfinders. Mek’des came once, and between her and Meskeram, many more people know the song. I think I shall teach them a new one :-). Wednesday I gave my first test. Wow. I gave them a huge lecture about no cheating, and I thought the test went okay. Mek’des, Dureti, Eyerus, Helen, Hermela, and Meskeram have taken to coming home with me after class. Mek’des takes the computer and one hand, and Dureti the other, and the whole troupe walks me home. After class on Wednesday, I got out my camera, and ALL of them wanted to take turns taking pictures. A few came out good, but most did not haha. 
This is one I took. Silly kids.
Top row: Meskeram, Salam, Eyerus, Hermela
Middle: Helen
Sitting: Tamu, Mek'des, Dureti
Meskeram gave me a present! She gave me a little bag, and a pen, and a picture of her, and a note that said, “I love you so much!” on it. Sweethearts. I graded the tests, and…. ut oh. Soooooo you can cross teaching off of my list of possible career choices. The highest score was a 75%, and only five kids scored above a 40%. The average score was 13%. *headeskheadeskheadesk!* I went to the principal on Thursday to talk about it, and he said that their language skill is so low that a multiple choice test would be better. So I made one, and third grade will retake the test next Wednesday. Thursday we started “The Boxcar Children.” I asked them afterward, and they said that they really enjoy the book. As we were walking home, Dureti’s sandal broke, and she started crying. Mek’des explained that it was because she did not have any other shoes, or something like that. Aha, no need to cry, my love. I have ducktape. I can fix. I fixed her shoe with ducktape, and then I joined them in their Chinese jump-rope game. Another present for me? Mek’des gave me a picture of her when she was little. She looked just like her little brother. I played the Chinese jump-rope game without my socks and shoes (I am going to get all sorts of diseases) and I am not half bad at the game. I just need to figure out how to pull the rope down like they do. I did, however, jump very hard onto a rock, and my food still hurts. Cameron joined in too. We taught them the limbo. Mek’des is really good, but Dureti does not really get it. She looks like a funny duck going under.
On Friday, we added more drugs to the inventory (Amanuel went shopping), which thankfully did not screw up all of the previous entries. Whoever would have thunked it that I actually learned stuff from that “useless” excel class? We worked on it a little more after lunch, and I installed Daniel’s printer on my computer, so I could print the new test. The last one I wrote out, but that was too hard to do again. We managed to round up most of the people for Christmas pageant rehearsal after classes. Well, I should say, most of the kids. Mek’des, Dureti, and Hermela came too (though they just sat and watched). Cameron said it is because they go everywhere I go, which is the truth. Practice went pretty well, except for the whole Girma issue. He is Joseph (who has the most lines in the play) and he has not memorized any of them! I need to find a new Joseph—any takers? Kibret showed up at the very end, and I asked if he could be Joseph. However, he has already memorized his lines for Gabriel, and so wants to stay Gabriel. *headeskheadesk!* After rehearsal, we had a vespers thing. Mek’des came, which was cool! It got out late so we were very hungry. Twenty minutes later (a record for us!) we had pasta and sauce (from scratch) finished. Cameron said that it was the best sauce we have made since we got here. Pancakes tomorrowwwww!
Ha. I find I blog less if I do it a few days later. Lucky you all.
Oh. Last night I finally decided to trust our overflow-happy toilet by putting the top back on the tank. We came back for lunch and, yep, all trust has been lost and Mr. Toilet shall never be getting his tank lid back. Flood again! Whateverman. My socks got wet :-(. Ick. Wet socks.
On Friday, we added more drugs to the inventory (Amanuel went shopping), which thankfully did not screw up all of the previous entries. Whoever would have thunked it that I actually learned stuff from that “useless” excel class? We worked on it a little more after lunch, and I installed Daniel’s printer on my computer, so I could print the new test. The last one I wrote out, but that was too hard to do again. We managed to round up most of the people for Christmas pageant rehearsal after classes. Well, I should say, most of the kids. Mek’des, Dureti, and Hermela came too (though they just sat and watched). Cameron said it is because they go everywhere I go, which is the truth. Practice went pretty well, except for the whole Girma issue. He is Joseph (who has the most lines in the play) and he has not memorized any of them! I need to find a new Joseph—any takers? Kibret showed up at the very end, and I asked if he could be Joseph. However, he has already memorized his lines for Gabriel, and so wants to stay Gabriel. *headeskheadesk!* After rehearsal, we had a vespers thing. Mek’des came, which was cool! It got out late so we were very hungry. Twenty minutes later (a record for us!) we had pasta and sauce (from scratch) finished. Cameron said that it was the best sauce we have made since we got here. Pancakes tomorrowwwww!
Ha. I find I blog less if I do it a few days later. Lucky you all.
Oh. Last night I finally decided to trust our overflow-happy toilet by putting the top back on the tank. We came back for lunch and, yep, all trust has been lost and Mr. Toilet shall never be getting his tank lid back. Flood again! Whateverman. My socks got wet :-(. Ick. Wet socks.
What needs to be done to fix Mr. Toilet?